Thursday, August 13, 2009

Random posting of a drunken guy

Had so fun today....badly needed this break today...what a way tp bring an end to 16 hrs of classes..fuck am i glad today...u bet i am...daddy made sure no one was missing today with his usual histrionics...i wud like to pose a question as to why theres always a drink less., i don't know..the fact that the dj is playing the same song which i have listened to what a hundred times to say the went to a point that wasnt enjoying anymore..probably it is the life which is playing games with it seems to be more complicated these days.. dont find time to explore myself( as if theres lot to explore)..16 classes are a bit too much...but let me tell u these arent just 16 classes...attached to it are many projects and assignments which have to be submitted in a few days time...the pitching time cudnt have come at a more appropriate has its own ways to teach ppl of its idiosyncracies...have been party to it for the last 26 years i have been on earth..and boy aint i lucky to take a note of all this.. ppl pass most of their lives in searching for it and here i am being a witness to all of these my life different from me?
this is a question i have been trying to answer for most of my lifetime...and i can say by a fair amount of confidence that it is just a conscience to everybody which takes steps for the person in question and fight with the person itself for its existence. In a way life or our conscience is our alter ego which wants its equal share of existence with the normal ego. Sumtimes the alter takes over and dictates over us and sumtimes our supposedly true self. Thats what explains the discripancies of people's behaviour or mood swings. Am i being too close to fight club? i cant help it..This fight continues till our death atleast thats what i feel.

I say this as a lot of thoughts abt life occur to me and tell this to my friends seldom seeing the fact that whether its truly me or not. I sometimes feel I have seen enough of the life to preach to others but at times i do feel vulnerable that i dont want others to see. Well i now have as i have written in the public forum. This is the futility of self. It is not full proof and every body has limitations atleast i do. No matter how much i pretend to be, there comes certain times where u cant help being vulnerable and want sum super powers which can take you out of that abyss. You do get certain powers but not enough? How I wish to have a peg or more. i am losing my self or shud i say my writing powers.

Well for the time being i want to be apart from this fight. While in the party i felt that i am nowhere infact i am no where. abyss it is as says my cell phone where i had scribbled my thoughts.

Guess what somebody beated on my shoulders while i was writing on my cells. Balls to those who disrupted my thought process. I was tryin to pen down my thoughts for a lot of time. I am normally talkin to myself when i am half asleep and want to write down my thoughts and as usual i was laidback enough not to write those. Sumtimes I want to congratulate myself for that.

Well let me get back to my original line of thought. I felt there were few people but were gud enough to make the part alive. i had danced after a lot of times and felt good. The dj needed a lot of improvement as I am strictly against Punju songs but otherwise i discussed some gud thoughts with my close friends whom i feel are the pillars of my strength. I can have a gud sleep for now.

Did I say good sleep? I dont think so. I am as much pain stricken by those who have died as a result of swine flu. My sincere request to all to lead a healthy life. Please read about Swine flu..take care against those and take precautions because one never knows when?